The life and happens of Andy, Stephanie, Kaylee and Colton!
1John 4:11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

Countdown to 5!

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Countdown to 1!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Well it is official !!!

Today we had our ultra sound to determine the sex of the baby. The verdict it is in and it is a........BOY!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Update but no pictures

We have truly been blessed with all of the compassion and care of friends and family recently. This is our first holiday season without Leroy and I can admit it has not been the easiest so far. Lots of reminiscing about Leroy and trying to keep things as they have always been. Like Thanksgiving eve dessert with Lois. It was still painfully obvious that someone was missing. Thank you all for your prays, e-cards and calls you will never know how much I needed the prayer and uplifting gestures from you all.

As for Kaylee she is doing great. Loving preschool and swimming. Loves hanging out with Grandmas and Grandpa whenever she gets the chance. She will continue with preschool this winter and will either be swimming once a week or dancing we still are not sure which to pay for since she seems to change her mind daily at which activity she wants to do.

I am doing better, still throwing up just not as often. We will hopefully find out on Thursday if we are having a boy or girl. I am hoping for a boy as this is the last biological child we will be having. :) Anyway that official makes everyone up to date with us in warm AZ. Have a great 22 days of shopping left until Christmas.
Love, Stephanie

Monday, October 13, 2008

Since September 1st……actually the end of August

Well, let’s start with the big announcement…….I’M PREGNANT!!!!!!!! This is an enormous blessing for our family as we have been trying to conceive for over two years (the natural way). It is VERY true that it is God who opens and closes the womb according to His divine timing. It is also true that God knows what is best for all of us because if this had been during any other time in the last two years we would have had very different circumstances, trying to deal with my Hypere*mesis Gravidarum. Thank you Jeanette for you kind words of wisdom.

Now for the not so fun stuff. About a week before I even realized I was pregnant I started feeling ill. I even went to the doctor thinking I had some kind of an infection. For those of you who do not know me very well I can easily get sick. A couple of days later we found out I was pregnant, which explained why I did not feel well. Unfortunately, by August 29th a mild case of morning sickness turned into a full blown case of Hypere*mesis Gravidarum. Hyperemesis is morning sickness 24 hrs a day to the extreme, think morning sickness on roids vomiting 10-15 times day, dehydration, unable to eat anything, etc. By August 30th Andy was very concerned that I was dehydrated so off the ER we went. Ban*ner Gate*way’s ER is fantastic, spent several hours getting rehydrated and was sent home to contact my doctor. I started taking Zo*fran hoping for the best. By September 2nd I was already very dehydrated again so off we went again to the ER. When 12 hours after the ER I was becoming dehydrated again my OB decided to admit me to Des*ert Ban*ner for 4 days. I was given a zo*fran pump that was supposed to help control my nausea it did just the opposite. After two full days we removed the pump, I know it has done wonderful things for some it just did not work out for me. I still have two marks on my legs from the injection sites. I then faced several days of heading down hill. Andy and I met with my OB on a Thursday and his advice was to go home, rest, stay hydrated and eat crackers. I wanted to scream I was so disappointed in his medical advice. I spent the next 4-5 days struggling to keep anything down even sips of water. This brings us to September 16th (Andy’s 34 birthday unfortunately).

By Tuesday the 16th my heart constantly felt like it was racing, Dr Ross (primary care physician) with Tiff’s help prescribed blood pressure meds, hoping that might aid in my throwing up. Andy came home around 12pm at this point I was getting worse by the hour, my chest burned, I was throwing up regularly things were really bad. Tuesday evening I was slipping fast and then faster down a hole I could not get myself out of after 2 hours of vomiting 15 times Andy called 9*11 for help. I was taken to Ban*ner Gate*way around 1:30 am then later admitted under a new doctor for Hypere*mesis. Dr. Holmes my new OB has been great. He as taken a very active interest in helping me get better or at least managing my hypermesis. I was diagnosed with Hypere*mesis (already new that), high blood pressure (already knew that also) and pregnancy related acid reflux. I spent the next 5 days recovering. By Sunday I was sent home with new medication and a new outlook on this pregnancy. I prayed for God’s healing not only for me but my whole family, especially Andy and Kaylee. I had not taken care of Kaylee since the 28th of August. I did great for a week felt better not great but better. Then I got some type of infection most likely a U*T*I and quickly went down hill again. Was readmitted to Gate*way on Thursday the 2nd of October, given IV meds and fluids and then went home on Tuesday afternoon.

Today, I am doing sooooooo much better. I am eating regularly keeping everything down, most of the time. I even had Mex*ican food today(Sunday). You always know I am feeling better when I am getting bored easily and craving Mex*ican food. We see our new doctor Tuesday the 21st of October and as of Saturday the 11th I am 12 weeks. I pray that everyday past 12 weeks things get better and better. When I was pregnant with Kaylee I started to feel more like myself by 15 weeks.

I am looking forward to getting better, taking care of Kaylee (getting to be mommy again), getting bigger as the child inside grows. I lost 28 pounds in the first trimester of the pregnancy I am looking forward to gaining in back in a healthy manner. Most of all I am looking forward to being Andy’s wife and taken over the many responsibilities he has graciously taken so that I can get better.

Thank you to all who have prayed for us, I beg you to continue to pray as I am not completely health but will be soon.

Just in case you are wondering we are due April 25th this should make for an interesting tax season.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

July and August

Sorry guys no pictures of my new hair or the house yet. I promise to take some this weekend and post them before Monday. I thought you all would enjoy a few pictures from Kaylee and I adventures over the last few weeks. Kaylee enjoying chocolate ice cream when we moved in. David, Megan and Kaylee on our first Thursday babysitting day. We also went to a splash park in Fountain Hills, super fun. Last but not least Kaylee's first swimming lessons with Casey. ENJOY!!!!

PS For those of you who are interested April Steiner-Bennet made the finals, and came in 8th. She has had an amazing adventure. I can't wait to hear all about it when her parents come home. 8th in the world is pretty special.
Ice Cream TreatDavid,Megan and KayleeSmile for the camera
Splash park

Ready to swim

monkey crawl

jumping in for the first time from the wall

Monday, August 11, 2008

Olympic Dream

Hey everyone! We have been very busy unpacking, organizing and yes taking care of the pool, which has left little time to blog. However a special event has encouraged me to blog today. I am sure most or some of us every 4 years think what it would be like to be an Olympic athlete. Well, for our dear family friend April Steiner Bennett knows now first hand. She currently in Beijing as an Olympic pole vaulter for the US track and field team. Her event will air both Saturday the 16th and Monday the 18th. She won silver in Eugene,OR to make the team with an impressive jump of 4.60m or 15'1.5". She is sending emails to update us on all of the fun she is having along with the famous people she has met. The following are updates from April along with a picture of her and former President Bush. Enjoy!

PS on a side note I cut my hair big time, thanks Jenel, it is super short in the back and I am loving it. I will try to post a picture tomorrow so you all can see my new do.

From April on Saturday,August 9,2008

Hey peeps... I'm driven only by lack of time in the day, to some mass emails just to let y'all know how things are rollin out here at the Olympics. Can you believe it... I am sitting in Beijing, China and feeling like I am on top of the world! The Olympic Village has a sort of magical feel to it, passing other Olympians from other countries and wondering what their sport is that made their dream come true. As well as getting to know our own team (595 members!) and all of their disciplines... its fascinating. The Chinese hospitality has been fabulous. I believe that I am 15 hours ahead of Arizona time so its crazy to phone home, and talk to mom and dad who are a half a day behind me! Funny thing happened today, George Bush Sr. made a trip to BNU, the university which the Americans have taken over as a training site for all of our teams, and apparently he took on one of the Table Tennis athletes (ping pong)! He stepped in and watched the Judo crew in one of their hardest practices this week, then he made his way out and of coarse... who wouldn't stick around to shake the hand of a President of the United States! So I waited near his car, mingling with secret service, patiently waiting to give him a gift from the US Track and Field team, just some team gear and a couple track hats. So when he came out, he didn't hesitate to come over to our little group and shake hands, Adam Nelson who is a Shot Putter (2 time Olympic Silver medalist!), they chit chatted for a bit, then it was my turn. He is sooo sweet. and has the charisma that a sweet grandpa has. He shook my hand and I introduced myself as a Pole Vaulter, then he told me a silly pole vault joke and when he finished and we all laughed, he pulled me in, mind you that he never let go of my had through the entire joke... and spun me around so I was backwards, and gave me a great big hug! ha. It was priceless. Then as he got into his car, he rolled down his window... he had put on one of the USA Track and Field hats that was in the bag and yelled.. 'APRIL'! and gave me a big smile and wave... he was so wonderful and just loving his trip! That was the highlight of my day :)So much more I could spill but I will save some for later... what an amazing experience, and really, its all about the journey right?? I am anxiously awaiting that Olympic moment..walking into the stadium in the opening ceremonies and feel that Olympic energy I have been waiting for since I was 12 years old! The torch lighting was amazing and the process put me in tears... . its real.


From April on Sunday, August 10,2008

Wow.... was the Opening Ceremonies not INCREDIBLE!!! I mean, they couldn't have had a more appreciative, patriotic, young buck out there marching with the US team besides me!!! I am just all grins from ear to ear. The Ceremonies definitely took a tole on all of us as athletes. First we marched into the Fencing Hall, just the US team, and had an amazing introduction and meet and greet with the CURRENT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, his pops.. (we already have met him!) and Laura Bush as well. WOW... I guess I was told by a secret service agent its the first president to actually visit the Olympics on sight for the Opening Ceremonies. Unbelievable to be a part of that. Then, coming off the high of being in the presence of some of the most powerful men in the world, looking sharp as ever in our Ralph Lauren Polo suits, we began the long process of marching to the stadium. And let me tell you, summer in Beijing is not the most conducive weather for Sports suits.... we were all sweating like you couldn't imaging. Several hours of sitting waiting marching, snacking here and there, and the amounts of water that was consumed in the process by all, wheeew... talk about initiation to the Olympic Games... how tough are you really!!! And all of the athletes that marched were troopers. We stuck it out together, sweated our hearts out to see and experience that Olympic moment, the one that hits your soul, your heart, our dreams coming true, no matter how drenched we were in our own sweat, knowing we were tough and we have all been through rigorous workouts. And all of the sudden, Colbi Byant, Carlos Boozer.. and all the NBA guys and gals that are high profile athletes, over the coarse of a few hours, became human, and celebrated with us, as people, not as these enormous icons, because they were toughin' it out like the rest of us, wanting to experience that same OLYMPIC moment. It was incredible. We were one United States Olympic Team. And so we entered the stadium to the chant of USA..! USA...! USA! And not only to enter a stadium, this is MY stadium, the one where the dream is going to play out to my family and friends and coach and the world! Its making me tear up thinking about it again. The moment happened for me, that Olympic moment, that realization, deep down that its here, and the Games are about to begin... this moment happened as the Olympic torch was on its last stretch, before the runner was hoisted up to the ceiling... and made the final lap to the torch... that was the moment i balled!! With excitement, all the sudden the sweaty mess we were swimming in wasn't there, I couldn't feel the aches in my feet. Just the torch, the stadium, the cheers and tears, and Jeff Hartwig (he is our stud male Pole Vaulter who is 40 years old and finally experiencing his first Olympics!) He looked at me and said... with a HUGE grin, "You are lovin' this... aren't you..!" and he was chuckling a bit too, like a little kid. Priceless. Let the games begin, let the dreams play out... IT's ON NOW! And to keep updated on the rest of the US teams, be sure to visit:

Thank you again for sharing with me!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well, it has been official for a couple of weeks now, but only my first opportunity to write, we moved. Our moving day was very smooth and painless. We had lots of help which we are still very grateful to all of our friends who helped with our big move. We even had lunch delivered to us, thanks Paul. I unfortunately do not have pictures of the move, I was a little distracted with all my furniture in our old front yard.

Andy and I have been very busy unpacking I am not sure if I will ever finish. When the house looks clean and box free I will take pictures to post of our new home.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


And the Lord said let there be rain........FINALLY!!! It has now been raining for 30 min. it is funny I am listening to the news saying how we should not get any rain or possible light rain. WRONG major rain, thunder and lightening.

Signing Papers

Well, today is a big day. Andy and I will be signing our lives away for our new home. YIPEEE!! I am so excited about the new house and it will official be ours Friday. My current house is a disaster, but I guess that comes with moving. Soon I will be able to put everything away and not live out of boxes or even with all the boxes. They seem to be everywhere. We have a little more packing to done but I hope to be finished with that tonight and then we will start taking apart furniture. I have to admit it is all a little surreal, but we are moving and I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Grieving and Our Move

Wow! It is hard to believe in 6 days, June 28th, we will no longer be residence of Queen Creek. It has taken almost three years, but that day is finally around the corner. I am very busy and still grieving over the death of Andy's dad, Leroy, daily. I find myself feeling like something is missing, yet I know he is in my heart always. I just can not help the thought of something missing.

This week will fly by and Saturday will be here and gone and we will officially have moved for the first time without Leroy's guidance, this makes me a little sad. I know he is healed and in a better place. He is heaven with the Father and as a Christian the thought of kneeling at God’s feet to worship forever is amazing, but my earthly nature misses Leroy. I beg you all for prayer, understanding, and strength. We have what seems like a lot to do and sometimes I just do not feel like it.
Thank you to all of my friends and family who have taken care of us by packing, making meals and praying for our whole family. We all really appreciate it. You have made a difficult time a little easier by serving us. Thanks!

P.S. Please pray for Kaylee she is have some separation anxiety, I think this is her way of trying to deal with her grandfathers death. Who knows why she is dealing with this now we just constantly reminder her we are here, we will not forget her or leave her somewhere. She must have asked us 15 times yesterday in the car if we would pick her up from Sunday school. I guess this is how a three year old reacts to death.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

STRESS and Three year olds!

I have only one thing to say moving = stress. And not ordinary everyday stress, pull your hair out stress. I am officially tired of all the red tape in selling a home and buying a home and we still have 23 days before we move. AHHHHHHHH!

We had our inspection of the Telescomb home yesterday, tomorrow we have the inspection for the Inca house and we have pool fence people coming to give us an estimate for fencing the pool. If everything goes well between now and the 28th we will move. Trust me I am praying for smooth sailing, not sure I will get a smooth transition but I am sure praying for one.

In all our circumstances I am reminded that God is in control and if we truly are to move to Mesa He will see it happen.

Don't mistake my ranting for unhappiness I just want it to be over. If I could blink my eyes and be done I would. Well off to pack, yippee for me!

Thought I would leave you all with a funny moment in our lives lately.

A while back I mentioned we were trying to potty train Kaylee, well I can official announce we have been successful this time. However one day when talking to Grandma Lois Kaylee made the following statement.

" You don't pee in your panties, you don't poop in your panties, but you can toot in them." I have to admit I still crack up laughing when I repeat this story. I am not even sure where she got this from . Oh well! Have a great rest of your week everyone. I will check in soon.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Life's Blindfolded Rollercoaster

So it has been a while since I have posted, we have been very busy. As we take steps closer to Leroy's last days with us on earth I have to admit life feels a little like a blindfolded roller coaster. Not in a bad way but simple that God has control of our lives as both the car and the track and speed in which we race through life. I am simple amazed at how many things (circumstances) my husband can take on and not fall apart or question God in any way.

Since the 8th of May I have been sick or injured in some way. The last time resulting in medication and so far a week long battle. I am so tired of coughing, gagging and throwing up. It feels like when I was pregnant with Kaylee with no reward in the end. And no I am not pregnant!!! We have also put the house up for sale and praise God in three weeks have sold the house. Once again praise God. We are moving seems like a surreal statement as we have been trying to move for two years. Today we are heading out to find a new home for us. We have narrowed down a list from our agent to six homes, we pray that one will fit us and our pockets at the same time.

As I said above we feel like God has us on this crazy roller coaster of life with hills, valleys, and deep depths that make me question my own relationship with Christ. I am finding it difficult to want to be in the word but not at all difficult to pray constantly. I even find myself quietly praying in the bathroom. Hehe hehe hehe

Please pray that we find a home, that Leroy and Lois have comfort during these last steps in his journey to meet the Father. Pray that we all can stay healthy as we have a lot to do. Pray for the Lord's guidance and overall pray that we never sway from the roller coaster God has put us on as he is divinely sovereign and we should never second guess His power and influence in our lives.


Thursday, May 8, 2008


My friend tagged me today so I guess I am it.

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Children's World preschool teacher
2. assistant to the academic dean at SWC
3. Elementary/Junior High Teacher
4. substitute teacher

Four movies I’ve watched more than once:
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. X-Men all three
3. Miss Potter
4. Lord of the Rings all three

Four places I’ve lived:
1. Phoenix, AZ
2. Queen Creek, AZ
3. Mesa, AZ
4. I do not have a fourth

Four TV shows I watch:
1. Lost
2. Criminal Minds
3. Law and Order
4. Grey's Anatomy

Four places I’ve been:
1. California
2. Washington
3. Washington DC
4. Lincoln, NB

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Mexican
2. Pizza (Andy makes the best pizza)
3. Hamburger although it has been awhile
4. Popcorn

Four places I would love to visit:
1. New York City
2. Hawaii
3. Disney World
4. Europe

Four things I’m looking forward to in the coming year:
1. Kaylee starting preschool
2. Hopefully having another child if God grants us to get pregnant
3. Moving if God sells our home
4. Having God work in my life and do what it is that He has called me to do

Four friends I’m tagging:
4. Although I am sure she has done this several times.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

blogging for dummies

So unfortunately I did not load the last four blogs correctly. Start with Easter, dentist and catching up and then look at the pictures. I need a newbie award for this blunder.

last of the pictures

Kaylee's favorite animal at the zoo, we call him Bubu.
Andy working out in the backyard
Kaylee and Ryanne(our next door neighbor)
Don't hate me because I am a star?



Look... Priceless

Even more pictures

Flowers from Andy

Cleaned up back porch and yard, yippee
zoo, desert trail
I like the picture but Kaylee's eyes are closed, bummer

More pictures

Kaylee looking cool with sunglasses at the dentist.
Getting her teeth cleaned. What a big girl.
Mommy and Kaylee with giraffe slippers.
Check me out I am so cool.
New bible and cover. Thanks Grandma. As you can all see we love giraffes.

Easter,Dentist and Catching up...

Okay, so it has been a while since I really blogged. We have been VERY busy. There were even weeks when I was not home at all during the weekdays. We have spent lots of time at Lois and Leroy's helping out with whatever we can do to make things easier for Lois. Plus there is the simple fact that Kaylee is good medicine for Lois and Leroy. She really does make him smile and she really enjoys helping Grandma take care of Grandpa. This is the first week I was home more than "in town". I have posted pictures from Easter, the dentist (Kaylee's 6 month check up) along with some other post tax season pictures. We are also into some heavy potty training around here. I would have hoped at three and half we would have mastered this skill but alas we are still working on using the toilet and not our pull up. God truly is giving me the patience to deal with Kaylee and the potty. I think I should write a tell all after she is grown this would be at least a fifty page chapter. Well I have rambled enough I hope that all of you are doing well and keeping out of trouble.

With great love,
Andy relaxing on Easter. You have to remember Easter was during tax season this year. Andy and Kaylee sitting together.Kaylee pretending she is asleep. I love this smile. Waiting to have her teeth cleaned.

Checking out the light.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Season

It is finally over well at least this tax season. I am looking forward to having Andy around more and I know Kaylee is excited to have Daddy back. We even plan to go to the zoo later this week. I am sure we will celebrate tonight. I was thinking about even grilling steak for dinner. You know it is a special occasion if I am buying steak. Thanks to all of you who listened to me complain about tax season. Thank God is it done for now.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Warm Weather


The weather here has been wonderful. I love AZ in the spring. You can leave the doors and windows open and play outside all day. You can enjoy the warmth of the sun since it is not 120 degrees yet. Kaylee decided last week she wanted to swim. Given that it is already in the low 80's I agreed to this request. We pulled out the play pool, dressed in her new bathing suit and added a small slide for fun. She played for over an hour, it was wondeful. Enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

We have been very busy lately. We have been to the z*oo again. My cousin Summ*er has moved here from Texa*s. We also finished the play*ground!

Celbrating Ben's fourth birth*day
David and Kaylee at the Z*oo

Kaylee in her hand made eas*ter dress. Thanks Aunt Sheryl

Finished Play*ground. Yippee!

First slide
smile for the camera
swing side of the play*ground
house and slide part
Andy finishing the play*ground