The life and happens of Andy, Stephanie, Kaylee and Colton!
1John 4:11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

Countdown to 5!

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Countdown to 1!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Good news!!!

As of yesterday March 3, 2009 I only have 5 weeks left for this pregnancy. My doctor feels that is is best for me and baby to deliver early. I am having a few contractions so we are having to keep track of how many and what I am doing when I have them. I am going to the doctor once a week at this point and am looking for to the second week of April (April 11 is 38 weeks). It is only fitting that I have this baby a couple of days before tax season ends.

The new bedrooms are almost finished at least the painting part thanks to my parents who have done all of the work. Thank you thank you thank you to them. My house is slowly coming together. There are still things everywhere which I hate but oh well. Hopefully by next week everything will be put way and organized.


Sara Weber said...

Yea for the final weeks! I had a strange dream about you last night. I dreamt that you were teaching at Megan's school and you and her principal were trying to convince me to come out of "retirement" to cover your maternity leave as a long term sub. I woke up before making a decision.

LISA said...

Are we not going to get to see any belly pics? It was good talking to you the other day...Im looking forward to meeting baby Colton and seeing your new house sometime soon!

littlemomentsinaz said...

I have not been able to get a good belly pic I may try again this weekend. I think I don't look pregnant just really FAT!!!

BusyMommy said...

Oh please!!! Chris said the other day that everything about you seems small, except your belly;P He then added, "unlike you" which landed him in a HEAP of trouble...