The life and happens of Andy, Stephanie, Kaylee and Colton!
1John 4:11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

Countdown to 5!

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Countdown to 1!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


And the Lord said let there be rain........FINALLY!!! It has now been raining for 30 min. it is funny I am listening to the news saying how we should not get any rain or possible light rain. WRONG major rain, thunder and lightening.

Signing Papers

Well, today is a big day. Andy and I will be signing our lives away for our new home. YIPEEE!! I am so excited about the new house and it will official be ours Friday. My current house is a disaster, but I guess that comes with moving. Soon I will be able to put everything away and not live out of boxes or even with all the boxes. They seem to be everywhere. We have a little more packing to done but I hope to be finished with that tonight and then we will start taking apart furniture. I have to admit it is all a little surreal, but we are moving and I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Grieving and Our Move

Wow! It is hard to believe in 6 days, June 28th, we will no longer be residence of Queen Creek. It has taken almost three years, but that day is finally around the corner. I am very busy and still grieving over the death of Andy's dad, Leroy, daily. I find myself feeling like something is missing, yet I know he is in my heart always. I just can not help the thought of something missing.

This week will fly by and Saturday will be here and gone and we will officially have moved for the first time without Leroy's guidance, this makes me a little sad. I know he is healed and in a better place. He is heaven with the Father and as a Christian the thought of kneeling at God’s feet to worship forever is amazing, but my earthly nature misses Leroy. I beg you all for prayer, understanding, and strength. We have what seems like a lot to do and sometimes I just do not feel like it.
Thank you to all of my friends and family who have taken care of us by packing, making meals and praying for our whole family. We all really appreciate it. You have made a difficult time a little easier by serving us. Thanks!

P.S. Please pray for Kaylee she is have some separation anxiety, I think this is her way of trying to deal with her grandfathers death. Who knows why she is dealing with this now we just constantly reminder her we are here, we will not forget her or leave her somewhere. She must have asked us 15 times yesterday in the car if we would pick her up from Sunday school. I guess this is how a three year old reacts to death.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

STRESS and Three year olds!

I have only one thing to say moving = stress. And not ordinary everyday stress, pull your hair out stress. I am officially tired of all the red tape in selling a home and buying a home and we still have 23 days before we move. AHHHHHHHH!

We had our inspection of the Telescomb home yesterday, tomorrow we have the inspection for the Inca house and we have pool fence people coming to give us an estimate for fencing the pool. If everything goes well between now and the 28th we will move. Trust me I am praying for smooth sailing, not sure I will get a smooth transition but I am sure praying for one.

In all our circumstances I am reminded that God is in control and if we truly are to move to Mesa He will see it happen.

Don't mistake my ranting for unhappiness I just want it to be over. If I could blink my eyes and be done I would. Well off to pack, yippee for me!

Thought I would leave you all with a funny moment in our lives lately.

A while back I mentioned we were trying to potty train Kaylee, well I can official announce we have been successful this time. However one day when talking to Grandma Lois Kaylee made the following statement.

" You don't pee in your panties, you don't poop in your panties, but you can toot in them." I have to admit I still crack up laughing when I repeat this story. I am not even sure where she got this from . Oh well! Have a great rest of your week everyone. I will check in soon.