The life and happens of Andy, Stephanie, Kaylee and Colton!
1John 4:11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

Countdown to 5!

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Countdown to 1!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Well, I have had this entry waiting to be posted for over a week. I could not decided if I wanted to share the info or not. Bu,t I finally thought since I am so nervous and terrified of this possibility it would be good write about it and share my fear. I am asking for prayers for a calm heart and that God's will be done over my anxiety.

I had another trip to the hospital for fluids last Thursday, March 12th mid afternoon and we found out again that my hemoglobin is very low. Apparently in pregnancy your blood creates extra blood to accommodate two people along with preparing for birth since you typically lose 2 units of blood during delivery. I should have a level reading in the 11 or mid 12 and mine is in the low 9. This means if I can not raise this level through protein and iron supplements I would have to receive a blood transfusion after Colton's birth. I am doing everything the doctor has encouraged which includes taking a liquid vitamin and iron tablets YUCK! These make me sick to my stomach and unfortunately cause constipation which simple means I have to take more Colace. Isn't pregnancy fun! Anyways all of that to say that I also have to prepare for the real possibility of a blood transfusion so we are having family and friends donate blood under my name through United Blood Services, fun times. I am O+ so I have a lot of options. I have been very blessed by the number of family members and friends who are all willing to get stuck to donate to me. Thank you in advance to all of you who are donating blood I wish I knew how much they really needed, but they just collect a set amount for each person. Once again I am reminded just how wonderful my family is along with the close friends who are also giving.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pregnancy Update

Hello all I am in the final weeks of my crazy pregnancy and as any other DR visit I have new info. I am on weekly visits and NST at the Dr office. An NST is a non stress test, basically they hook my up to a fetal monitor to check the baby's status. I always have to go to Banner Gateway (our hospital) ever Thursday for a NST and a Bio Ultra sound, it is an ultrasound that checks for fluid and growth. I also found out that I am over 1cm and about 60% effaced, completely normal for my hypertension and second pregnancy. Other than that I am to be resting with my feet up or laying down as my DR says 95% of the day. He has been very reasonable about bed rest knowing that I have Kaylee and get bored very easily. I have been very tired but that has a lot to do with the hypertension. Well that is the story I will try and add some pictures in the next couple of days.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

He has a name!

Well, it is official baby McLaren has a name. It is Colton Andrew Leroy McLaren. Now I have to explain his middle names. We used Andrew because it is Mclaren tradition that the first born son shares the dads first name, we felt like we still really wanted to honor Leroy so we added his name also. Colton we found in a book, it means resourceful. For some reason the book attached Romans 5:5 to Colton's meaning...Now hope does not disappoint,because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Don't ask me why they picked this verse I still don't get it but whatever.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Good news!!!

As of yesterday March 3, 2009 I only have 5 weeks left for this pregnancy. My doctor feels that is is best for me and baby to deliver early. I am having a few contractions so we are having to keep track of how many and what I am doing when I have them. I am going to the doctor once a week at this point and am looking for to the second week of April (April 11 is 38 weeks). It is only fitting that I have this baby a couple of days before tax season ends.

The new bedrooms are almost finished at least the painting part thanks to my parents who have done all of the work. Thank you thank you thank you to them. My house is slowly coming together. There are still things everywhere which I hate but oh well. Hopefully by next week everything will be put way and organized.